A Night of Funk and Friends
DOORS: 4:00 PM
Live on the Outdoor Stage
Genre: Funk & Hip-hopAge Limit: Must be 21 or Older
Rain or Shine; no reservations
Join us for a night of funk and friends as The Salvage Station welcomes an explosive lineup on Saturday March 27th! First off, masterminds Derrick Lee Johnson (Yo Mama’s Big Fat Booty Band) and Ben Hovey (Pitbull) present Evil Note Lab. ENL will start off the night with its groove inspired Ableton mashup of electronic and live instruments behind the lyrical stylings of The Foulmouth Jerk. Right after that, Josh Blake brings his organic organ trio JBOT to the stage featuring Patrick Armitage on drums, Simon Thomas George on keys, and Marisa Blake on vocals. Then, the classic Asheville hip-hop collective GFE, pioneers of the Asheville music scene and respected innovators of conscious hip-hop and will be emerging from their chamber to grace the Salvage Station audience with a rare performance. GFE comes together for about one show a year, so you won’t want to miss this opportunity to soak in some of that God Force Energy. To finish the nights musical onslaught, we have The Tuesday Night Funk Jam House Band, who is itching to play for folks after the pandemic forced their weekly live performances into hiatus. This lineup will likely never be seen like this again, and the forecast for inter-set collaborations are high, so come on out for a one of a kind musical explosion of Asheville talent!