North Asheville Tailgate Market
Farm Fresh and Hand-made since 1980
DOORS: 8:00 AM
Age Limit: All Ages are Welcome
Rain or Shine; Free Parking
Salvage Station is excited to host the May 6th North Asheville Tailgate Market from 8AM – NOON!
About the North Asheville Tailgate Market:
As Western North Carolina’s oldest producer-only farmers’ market, our mission is to support and strengthen the commonwealth of our local foods movement and continue expansion to meet this increasing demand.
The North Asheville Tailgate Market is a vibrant Saturday morning gathering place that creates a fun, safe and enriching environment for youth, adults and folks from all walks of life. We began in 1980 to offer local farmers an outlet for selling their farm fresh goods. What began as a handful of farmers, now represents over 70 of the best farmers, bakers, growers, chefs and artists.
Today over 80% of these vendors earn their primary income from self-produced products. Cooking demos, dietitian talks, live music and our Growing Minds at Market are just a few of the ways we engage our community in education, health and culture.
You SNAP, we match! Thanks to a grant through ASAP (Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Program) we are able to double your SNAP dollars. Just come to our market information booth, swipe your card with us, and we will give you double that amount in market SNAP tokens that you can use on all qualifying produce and food products at the market.
FREE on-site parking in the gravel lot at Salvage Station. Please note there is NO shade in the parking lot, so please do not leave animals in the car. Salvage Station is not responsible for lost or stolen items, so lock your car and place valuables away from plain sight.
While dogs are allowed, please help us ensure a safe and comfortable market environment for all by making sure all dogs at the market are well mannered and well behaved. Customers are responsible for the behavior of their dogs at all times and will be asked to leave by the market staff if they are determined to be endangering the market. Customers dogs are allowed only if:
- On a short leash of 18 inches or shorter. No retractable leashes.
- The customer pays for any supplies or products damaged by their dog.
- They use the bathroom outside of the market area and are cleaned up after.
- They can remain calm in a crowded, public setting.
- They can exhibit self control around people of all ages and other dogs (no lunging, barking, growling, or aggression).
- They show manners at vendor booths by not sniffing, licking, or tasting vendor’s goods.